My 2010 Home Projects in Review

Time flies, doesn't it?
Before I started this post I was afraid I had nothing to share.
Then I remembered a few projects - they seem like so long ago!

Like how I painted my daughters' dressers last summer.......

And added chalkboard paint to my son's room ........

And I am so thankful I finally painted my living room gray...

Back in January I added more birds to my wall......

And I sewed ....

and stapled....

and, of course, I painted...

and painted...

and painted some more....

Whew - I guess I actually did get a little done this year. 
Good to know.

Here is to a productive 2011!

Join me at Kim and Rhoda'sand SaturdayNIte Special for more 2010 Reviews!


Chrissie saidā€¦
You had a great year for projects. I just love your assortment of bird pictures, I must have missed that post. Everything is lovely!
Linda@Coastal Charm saidā€¦
Lovin' that "BIRDIE" painting! Happy New Year!

Trish, you did do quite a bit this year. Thanks for sharing these projects at the party!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I guess you did! You are so talented and your home is beautiful.

Unknown saidā€¦
You certainly had a productive year, Trish. I always enjoy seeing your bright fabric projects and paintings.
Decor To Adore saidā€¦
You are one clever and crafty girl. Thank you so very much for sharing such great inspiration!

Have a very Happy New Year!
your bird wall is great! love it!
KimMalk saidā€¦
Isn't it good to look back on all of those wonderful things - you did a lot of painting! I really like the chalkboard wall in you son's room.
Wendy saidā€¦
You did get alot done this year! I love your art work. Going to go and visit your Etsy shop! Happy New Year.
You have been a very busy girl.
Your paintings are always so sweet and charming.

Yes, you have been busy! 2011 will be very productive! Happy New Year
You did get a lot done and I've enjoyed following along with you! Here's to a wonderful 2011!
Love your birds on the wall-- and all of your paintings. So inspirational.
Way to go on a year well spent
Mary Ann Pickett saidā€¦
Your artwork is so cheerful...and I love your son's room I am sure he does too!
Mary Ann
Love the paintings!
You have had a busy year!!!!
Happy New year to you!
Cindy saidā€¦
I LOVE your paintings! You have a really sweet style. Your bird wall is wonderful and I really like the idea of chalkboard walls in a boys room. I am going to mention that to my dil, my grandson has been waning black walls, that would be the answer. Then he could decorate them himself. He loves to draw, too. What a great idea!
Hugs, Cindy
Nice linkup of 2010 projects, Trish! Your son's bedroom wall really drew me in. I'm currently playing with ideas for my own son's room and love your idea!
