Picking Gray Paint

Our kitchen has been this spring green color for twelve years.  It is time for a change.

As you can see, I have ALOT of wall space - and not much natural light.  The ceilings are 11.5' tall and I really need taller cabinets.  But cabinets are not in the budget, right now.

I am planning to use a gray paint.  Currently, I have painted the following Benjamin Moore colors onto white poster board to compare.

a.  Coastal Fog
b.  Revere Pewter
c.  Coventry Gray
d.  Harbor Gray
e.  Gray Owl
f.   Rockport Gray

Here are the same paints copied from the Benjamin Moore website....

I am leaning towards Gray Owl or Harbor Gray.  My cabinets are a creamy white and I really don't want to completely change those, right now.  They are super-cheap cabinets from the 1970's and I am ready to replace them.  Any day, now. Just as soon as that money tree grows out back.  Holding my breath.  Any effort I put into those cabinets is hopefully wasted time, as the tree should be growing soon, and I can put in my new cabinets in the near future.  Or sell the house.

I used Benjamin Moore Wickham Gray in my living room, here....

I used Coventry Gray in my daughter's college room, here....

By the way  - these aren't actually Benjamin Moore paints - these are Lowe's Valspar paints mixed by the Lowe's computer as BM paints.  We have a Lowe's five minutes from my house and the closest Benjamin Moore store is 35 miles away.  I wonder if the colors are different than actual BM paints, even though they are  matched from the Lowe's computer?

One other thing I need to let you know - I am using an iphone inside my house on a cloudy day to take these photos.  

Which color do you think I should choose?  I could use the advice.

Joining Wow us Wednesday and Power of Paint


Sjn saidā€¦
Grays have a lot of undertones. I try to stay away from the beige/pink or purple undertones. The Harbor gray is looking purple toned on my computer. I would go with the Gray Owl.
Lisa saidā€¦
Gray is gonna look really good with the black and white tile! Then, Id paint the chairs in Green, blue or yellow! But thats just me thinkng outloud. Its gonna look awsome when your done. Good luck.
JMD saidā€¦
Personally, I would stay with the living room color. It looks nice and since the kitchen is visible I think it would make it look like it is all flowing and not chopped up. Our entire home is painted one color except for large arches into halls and one large entrance into the kitchen. Ilove it.
Deb mcK saidā€¦
We have done a re-do of our kitchen and adjoining mud/breakfast room and I used Martha Stewart Whetstone gray. We love it. It goes from a soft gray to a taupe, to sometimes a bit of green tint but always lovely. Good luck.
Anna saidā€¦
it is so hard to tell from just the paint colors. From the ones you posted I like the coventry gray. Sometimes when I'm looking for a new paint color I search on google images so I can see how it looks in several different rooms. I used that Rockport gray in my husband's office, it is a nice color but pretty dark (he wanted a dark color).
Good luck! Whatever you choose I'm sure the gray with the white cabinets will look great
I have an ace hardware close by that sells BM paint but I usually get it mixed in the ace hardware brand of paint (royal) that is half the price, I have also got it at Lowes before too. I think most places have the codes on their computers.
I was going to pick Gray Owl as my favorite before I saw it was on your shortlist! Your kitchen is going to be so pretty with a gray paint! How fun! :)
Liz saidā€¦
I'm leaning towards gray owl...can't wait to see the before and after pics!
Jamie Miles saidā€¦
Trish -- we are picking color for our bedroom. I'm thinking warm fog and john has another in mind. I think I'm going to put about three colors on the wall. You need to come over and see what looks better. I trust your judgement as far as your kitchen. What kind of paint was that? It really lasted a long time.