Dividing Hydrangeas on Paper

I sent my son out to take a photo of my hydrangeas that I showed you last month.
Here is how they look, now, in mid-June (we're in central Georgia).

I then had to go out for a second photo-shoot, because I did not teach him about the "zoom" function on the camera. My error - not his. (I am going to have that 10 year old boy writing blog posts for me, before long.)

Several people have asked how to divide hydrangeas. I cannot physically do it with photos, right now, because it is mid-June and way, way, way too hot to divide hydrangeas and I don't want to kill them. (The plants are too far along into the summer and are too big to divide, now.)

Here is how I divide my Annabelle hydrangeas:
1. They need to be divided in the early spring, just as new growth is evident near the base of the plant.
2. Use a shovel to split the plant down the middle (like you are digging a hole in the middle of the plant). Here is my diagram.

3. Place one portion in the new hole (with a little osmocote and a bit of blackcow or other healthy dirt). Leave the other half of the plant where it is -and replace the missing dirt.
4. Water frequently from early spring until the end of summer!
5. Divide all of the plants again, next year, and you will have twice as many, each summer!

Make sure the hydrangeas have dappled shade most of the day. Mine have FULL sun from about 5:30 until 7:30 pm, ONLY.


Sjn saidā€¦
Those are lovely! Thanks for taking the time and using your artistic talents to show us.
Mine are not as full as that. I think the drought had taken it's toll on mine the past 2 years, when weren't allowed to water.
Hydrangeas are by far my favorite garden plant. We call them "grandma plants" since you find the really full ones in older homes.
Terry saidā€¦
I'm enriched by the advice and charmed by the drawing. P.S. I've enhanced your picture a little, I'm emailing you from terry@surf303
Aprons and More saidā€¦
I am so jelous! My hydrangeas never make it..they always die! I have replanted 2 or 3 times until finally I have given up! (I'm here in Middle GA). Maybe it was the drought or maybe I watered too much...or maybe they just don't like me! So thanks for posting these photos!! Now I can enjoy yours with out any worries!
Rue saidā€¦
I had no idea you could divide them! I'm not trying it though, because everytime I look at them they wilt a little. I don't think they like me LOL I love them though :)

Nashvillechick saidā€¦
A landscaping architect friend just told me that when dividing Annabelles in spring, it's best to prune the new soft (green) growth out, as that's what will flop in a stressed plant. He suggested leaving the woody shoots only for the first season. I'm dividing mine in April--in the south.
Nashvillechick saidā€¦
A landscaping architect friend just told me that when dividing Annabelles in spring, it's best to prune the new soft (green) growth out, as that's what will flop in a stressed plant. He suggested leaving the woody shoots only for the first season. I'm dividing mine in April--in the south.