Conservative Gray

The paint on the walls of this kitchen is "Conservative Gray'' #SW6183 by Sherwin-Williams. I wonder if the homeowners are 'conservative'?

I love this kitchen.

I've mentioned before that I like thick corbels (is that what they are called?) under open shelves. Don't the shelves below look great?

In this next picture, I am crazy about the blue bottles in the nook above the fridge.

Thankfully, we can forget all about this current recession by simply dreaming through the pages of Traditional Home magazine!


Cindy Davis saidā€¦
I love this kitchen too! Thanks for sharing it.

My only fear would be marinara sauce. Could be a recipe for disaster, or lots of bleach/water cleaner! LOL
Terry saidā€¦
I don't know if we can call them corbels but they would look just fine as corbels. I like that they are chunky with minimal but elegant shape. They look right with the thickness and width of the shelves. But I need to see a side view.