Greenville Alabama

I mentioned that I found a great art gallery in Greenville, Alabama, last week. 

I wanted to share a few of the pretty and historic homes I saw as I buzzed through this cute town off I-65, on my way to Foley. This is the Butler County courthouse....

circa 1903 

The copper dome is a replacement, courtesy of Hurricane Opal in 1995.

This cute Greek Revival caught my eye...

As did this one...

This Gothic Revival is captivating. I love the overgrown bushes begging to be cut.  Keeps it mysterious. 

I also like the telephone wires. I know, that is crazy. But, they aren't all that common, anymore - only in older neighborhoods. We have overhead power lines in our historic neighborhood and I'll admit I am not so fond of them when we have storms and lose our power.  

This Greek Revival is next door to that Gothic Revival. Do you see the old-fashioned traffic light?

I should have zoomed in on those gorgeous camellia bushes blooming along the left of the front walk. However, the sun was setting and this was a busy intersection and it was actually quite chilly. So, -not enough patience.

This is the side view of that house. Cute profile.

Another Greek Revival...

Greenville also has it's share of Victorian architecture, but I tend to favor the older homes, so I arrived home with no photos of other styles.

Cute downtown.

And I captured these last two from the car at 40 mph...

Love that side addition.

And that is your tour of Greenville, Alabama!


Betty saidā€¦
The older homes are my much character! They've stood the test of time...
Leah saidā€¦
The "side addition" on the last picture is not am addition, but is, in fact, original to the home. It is a Porte cochere and three bay garage. I should know, I grew up in that house!
Wow, Leah- that is cool! What a gorgeous home (so pretty I posted a 40mph snapshot of it!) . Recently, someone contacted me whose grandparents lived in my home- just happened to see my blog. Small world!