A Favor....

Would someone please remind me to pull these out next November 1st?....

I forgot to use them this year.
(Thanksgiving dinner was
not at my house, btw, but I like to use these as our dinner plates in November.)

Hope I can pull "it" together, before Christmas!


Unknown saidā€¦
I'll remind you if someone could remind me!LOL! I'm in the same boat!
Becky Garrison saidā€¦
Oooohhh Such a shame those haven't been put to good use this year! That reminds me, time to get out my Christmas dishes!
Chrissie saidā€¦
What a beautiful set of dishes! I have done the same thing with my Christmas dishes before.I think I would forget my head if it wasn't attached!
Kristen White saidā€¦
Ohhhh those are gorgeous! I forget things like that too so don't feel bad :o)
Anonymous saidā€¦
You will get it together, sometimes everything just seems so rushed, we start forgetting what we have!!

Olive saidā€¦
They are gorgeous. I just washed my Christmas china that I forgot last year so I know what you mean exactly.
Isabel saidā€¦
Wow they are beautiful!!!! Enter a reminder into your calender on your phone...I do ,it works:O)
Mary Ann Pickett saidā€¦
Thanks so much. Very enjoyable.