Quite the Adventurous Walk, This Morning

I had to create this sign, once I arrived back home .....

We have a fence next to the street and many walkers and neighbors pet our dog, Maggie, each day.

She is quite popular.

She receives presents at Christmastime.

I've received mail for her, more than once - like this cute card where she apparently posed for the camera....

And I've been referred to as "Maggie's Mom" many times.

The skunk hit her square in the face.   She was not on her leash -  I like to walk on a dirt road in the country where there are no cars - and she ran up ahead of me when she saw the skunk.  She tussled with him playfully for a minute - and then she staggered away, bleary eyed and dumbfounded.  Thankfully, I was only about a mile from home.

I am ready for the kids to get home from school so that they can tell me if I smell like a skunk.  

Any "skunk remedies?"  I gave her a bath in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/liquid dish detergent.   I took a bath with vinegar.   

Sure hope it works!


TSL said…
Oooooooh no! Soooo very sorry for Maggie, and yourself.
I don't know much about this sort of thing, I just wanted to say Madison has the best community I've ever been in, and there are experts on everything there, so I am certain you will hear of something even before you read my post!
Ohhhh no... we had a skunk incident at the campground 2 years ago. The smell takes so long to go away!

I tried the tomato juice route but she ended up stinking like a skunky tomato.

So I went out and bought a professional skunk smell remover from the pet store. We had to use it since then and it worked! Now I stock the stuff just in case. :)

I think I can smell it from here...Lol!

Hug Maggie for me!

Janet xox
trish said…
Oh no Trish!! Poor Maggie. Gosh that must have burned her eyes. I know that vets carry "something" for that sort of thing, I just don't know what it is.

I am so sorry about your situation.

Sincerely ~ Tricia
nannykim said…
You probably still stink---I just felt like saying that lol.

I am sure the vet has ideas on how to get the stink out...perhaps that is what you went with. I have heard that the tomato type rememdy does not work.
Thanks for the vet idea! I bought "SKUNK OFF" and just bathed her, again. I hope it helps.
Farmgirl Paints said…
Awwww poor thing. That's just awful!
Olive said…
Oh my, this will be real funny on another day when the two of you do not smell. hugs♥olive
Becky Garrison said…
X-O by Don Aslett is supposed to be really good for that! Thankfully, I wouldn't know!
I'm not laughing at you but with you. Or I hope you can laugh now about it! Awww poor Maggie! Is she a golden retriever? She is beautiful.
That's horrible! Poor Maggie. She was just trying to make friends! Gosh, I hate that skunk smell. Yick.
Isabel said…
Yikes!! So sorry for Maggie, I have no idea what would work Ive only had issues with my dog bringing in poison ivy to US:O) Good Luck
Tales of Whimsy said…
Ahhhh poor thing. I love the sign.