Dutch Colonial

Dutch Colonial in Atlanta

Dutch Colonial style homes were first built in the 1700's and then revived between 1890-1930.

I love this style! I think maybe my attraction to this style is due to the fact that it is not a common style for the South. However, the style is quite prevalent in the northeast and midatlantic states. In fact - I can think of only one example of a Dutch Colonial home in our entire town. In this area of Georgia, construction was primarily Victorian (late 1800's), then Colonial with Victorian influences (early 1900's), and then Craftsman/Prairie (1915-1930). Gambrel roofs are not common, here.

Dutch Colonial houses typically have a gambrel roof and dormers. The original purpose of the gambrel style roof was two-fold and date back to the 1700's construction-

(1) they were cheaper to build; and

(2) the Dutch Colonial style home was not taxed as a two story home! The Federal Direct Tax records of 1798 shows that gambrel-roofed houses were classified as one story.

Here is a quote from the 1928 Home Builders Catalog ......
While the term ā€œDutch Colonialā€ conveys a definite type of house to almost everyone, the name itself is misleading. ā€œDutchā€ does not refer to Holland and ā€œColonialā€ has no direct relationship with Colonial Architecture. This type of home takes its name from the Dutch Colonists who settled in the lower parts of New York and New Jersey. There they lived for many years in warm and cheery comfort. The Dutch Colonial house conveys to us this rich domesticity and love of good living.

North Plainfield, NJ $275,000..............

$220,000 in Lenoir, NC

Need a
home in Plainfield, NJ for around $535,000??

This Charlotte, NC home was listed as Dutch Colonial - but I only see the Prairie style. Maybe from a different angle the home is Dutch Colonial.

Elma, Washington

Amagansett, NY

Marlboro, Massachusetts

There were many home plans and kits available in the early 1900's in America...........
"Two men can erect and complete this house in six days." Aladdin Homes plan from 1916.

And here is a Fenner Home Plan from 1921.................

Sears Dutch Colonial house plans from 1928. "The Van Jean"

I really like
this current day Southern Living plan "Rockwell House".

Can't you just see it in a pale blue/gray cedar shake?

Terry over at Architecture Tourtist shared some great photos of this beautiful Dutch Colonial renovation in Atlanta, back in February.

Have a great Wednesday!


Beautiful pics, I'll take them all! My sister in law used to live in N. Plainfield and I swear that first pic could be her street. She was surrounded by amazing, older homes. Expensive but they were beautiful.
That was so informative. I am sending this link to my mom, I think she will like it to. It is only 7:37 and I have already learned something new this morning! :D
Terry saidā€¦
There are a bunch in Atlanta. The Druid Hills Country Club is all Dutch, all the time. I think part of the appeal is the "grounding roof lines" per Katie Hutchison's House Enthusiast blog. They make the house more human scaled and inviting, more connected with the earth. It's a standard for barns and we all love those barns. I love the "Cape Dutch" houses too.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I agree with Katie - very informative. I've always found the Dutch Colonial style charming.
Anonymous saidā€¦
The latest issue of BHG features a new Dutch Colonial. It's swoon worthy!
Love the post!
What a fabulous post! Have always been a fan of this style== it's the roof, for me.

Thanks for all the info!
Love that home style...enjoyed the pictures!
Nancy saidā€¦
That was a very thorough explanation of the Dutch Colonial. Nice pictures of the style.
Amy saidā€¦
Great photos and very informative. I chuckled about the "1 story" tax loophole.

Thank you for stopping by to say hello!
