Paint By Numbers

Just love this grouping of paintings.
And most of them are Paint-by-number! How fun!

Country Living

Then I saw this fun wall.

Country Living

So, I googled Ebay and Etsy ...........

and came up with the following paint-by-number TREASURES!

Vintage Interiors $16 includes frame!

Ebay Listing $1.99 starting bid

Cottage $45 with frame.

Paint By Number KIT on Ebay $9.95 plus $7 shipping

("kit" means you will do the actual painting.)

(Remember...... the ebay listings will expire, soon - just search for "paint by number" in the ebay search box for more treasures.)

Join Rhoda's Thrifty Monday blog party for more treasures!


Well, those ARE cute! Who knew?! Love the beachy scene!

~ Pam
Terry saidā€¦
My daughter #1 has done a few sets of paint-by-numbers note cards. They are colorful and look great. She keeps them on display. They are a bit stylized.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oh my gosh I use to love painting those as a kid! Thanks for taking my back. I think a project like that would be so much fun now!
trish saidā€¦
I have looked and looked for paint by numbers! Thanks for pointing us to where we can buy them. I would love to paint one. :o)
I remember that issue of Country Living..very cool!
Its crazy how popular these are nowadays!
I love vintage paint by numbers and can never resist when I see them in the thrift stores.