Ancestral Photos

Several years ago I asked my mother and mother-in-law for old photographs of the ancestors. They gave me some originals and some copies.

This is how they have been displayed for several years...............

Rather flat and uniform, don't you think?

The shelf is a little high, so that you don't bump your head when you sit on the old church pew, beneath the shelves. Yes, that is a tennis ball beneath the pew.

I purchased the shelves and brackets at Pottery Barn a few years ago, (THOSE were the days - back when I had a consulting job and some extra cash!)

Today, I decided to add some interest to the old shelves.

I pulled out the left-over bias tape from the burlap curtain project and stapled some of the ribbon on a few frames - to give the display some height.

I unearthed a few vintage globes that I have been saving for the playroom update (to add a little interest or color)

Most of the frames were black, with a couple of silver and pearl frames. Needed to paint an old gold frame to include one more photo that did not fit on the shelf.........

Found a fake houseplant to add some more height and soften the harshness of so many frames............

Used my vintage Bobbsey Twins books for a little more height and interest........

Here is the result of today's activities.............

Much better, don't you think?

(If you see another little something I need to do to make this shelf area really shine -leave me an idea - I won't be offended, I promise! My house is always in need of a little tweak, here or there.)

Be sure and visit A Soft Place to Land to see other DIY projects!

I am also participating in Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage.

(I saw a cute shelf/picture display similar to my new creation on a blog the other day, but cannot "re-find" it! If you know where I saw it, let me know so that I can give credit where credit is due.)


Great "after!" I love it!!! :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)
Blue Creek Home said…
First of all, I love your yellow paneled walls.
And the black frames with the pretty ribbons, hanging at different heights just make that whole area look so much better.
Great job!
Anonymous said…
I think it looks just perfect now! Love your beadboard walls btw.
{oc cottage} said…
LOVEEEEEEEE!!! And the pew...WOW!

m ^..^
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
You had me at "spray paint." Oh how I love those words! Loving your project, too. Great, inventive, so so chic. Thanks for joining!
Wow! Made a huge difference. Looks really nice -- lots of texture and variety. xo
That looks awesome - you did a really good job. I love the globes and I love that hung some pictures on the wall. Good transformation!
trish said…
Oh my goodness! What a darling transformation! :o) I will tab this idea for sure! :o)
Happy Friday!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Anonymous said…
Great job! I love old photos and the stories behind them. I'm glad they are not hidden in photo albums.
Wow what a great transformation with the stuff you already own!!!! I love the bias tape idea, I think I may go and put some on my frames today.