Fig Preserves

I will be honest. I had never even tried fig preserves, until I made a batch, yesterday.

I'm not sure I had ever eaten a fig.

We had strong thunderstorms earlier this week and our power was out for about four hours. And my cell phone wasn't charged. Gasp! And all of our cars were out and about (so there was no way to charge my phone in the car), therefore, I was at a loss for something to do. 

Which never ever happens. I ALWAYS have something to do. 

So - no electricity means no electronics, no way to wash and dry clothes, no television, no cooking dinner, all of which was sort of like a little mini-vacation. So, my son and I walked over to my neighbor's yard. She is 92 years old and is very kind to us. She has 4 huge fig trees where the deer and their fawns hang out all summer torturing my two labs who are stuck in our fence.

My elderly neighbor mentions to me every year that I am welcome to her figs because she doesn't like them - she only likes fig preserves. The offer of free figs has never seemed appealing, until lately. She told me last week as we discussed her figs and the deer population in her yard, "what the deer don't eat from the bottom, the birds get from the top." 

So we picked all of the figs that we could reach. 

And the next day I found a fig preserve recipe.  I will gladly attempt anything with only 3 ingredients. (Figs, sugar, lemon, plus salt and water = easy as pie). I cooked the figs and actually canned the figs. 

I CANNED them - in a pot - with boiling water. This was clearly an adventurous day.

I found directions entitled Water Bath Canning for Beginners by Canning Granny here.  I do not know how people cooked before the internet. I can hardly remember life before the internet.

And I took a couple of jars to my neighbor who owns the trees.

I tasted the fig preserves. They are delicious. Then again, isn't the fruit-with-sugar combination just heavenly no matter what? This is something I may try, again. I might even ask for canning equipment for Christmas. 

Have a great day!


Do it! Ask for canning equipment. You will love doing this.
I have a fig tree and due to grasshoppers we've not had figs in the last 3 years! it's awful. I'm hoping to get a few this year...but they are late to come. :/ I have little bit figs right now and I NORMALLY have them GONE right now.
We are finally hitting triple digits on a regular basis--so maybe I'll fortunate enough to get some.
Your's look delish!
I wonder about a sugar free version. Going to check it out. :)

Mindy saidā€¦
I made freezer fig jam last year for the first time. I've always been a fig fan, but homemade die for. Just add cheese and bread and I'm in heaven.