Gotta Have Faith and Some Daydreams

A friend asked for a larger replicate of this painting, so I created this one for her....


That was the first time I've painted since Christmas.  It was fun. I need to keep it up. I surfed the internet and daydreamed today when I should have been working at my desk job (don't worry, I am not cheating an employer or anything - I'm self employed and am paid by my product, not by the pretend-working-surfing-hour).

I found a few items for my dream house, while I wasted my day- neither working nor painting.
Here is how my future fictitious home panned out.

It will have a facade similar to this one....

via Lucy Williams Interior

And "wow" what a kitchen I will have for my husband to cook in....

via Coastal Living

I'd better sign him up for cooking lessons, pretty soon. We might get tired of spaghetti.

I am sure I will suddenly enjoy doing laundry in this bright space....


And my bathroom will be quite luxurious.....

I'm guessing I will need to hire someone to help keep those windows clean.

Some little mud room or pantry or something will need this tile floor....

agnetha home

Oh, and check out my den....

So fun!

And we will all enjoy our beautiful barn out back....

Dream, dream, dream

Hope your day was more productive than mine.  Have a wonderful day!


Rebecca saidā€¦
I ā™„ your den - and the barn!
My day was just about as productive as yours, I think. Some day you just need to dream.
Rebecca saidā€¦
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Mindy saidā€¦
Haha, I love it. The barn is my favorite part. :)
I could certainly crash on that couch in the den...
and I love that tree painting.
It reminds me of that praise song...
" a tree planted by the waters I shall not be moved..."

You know the one.
Nancy's Notes saidā€¦
You have sure made some awesome choices! Really like them all, but the living room and barn, oh yes!