Out with the Old

And I mean really old.

I have had these framed prints from Target for close to 20 years.

I originally purchased them because we were in an apartment with a baby and I felt as if we had NOTHING pretty. Our parents had graciously given us their old furniture.  And I mean everything was a hand-me-down and none of it was my style. But, beggars cannot be choosers and we were happy to have somewhere other than the floor to dine and sit.  So, I reached deep into my very slim wallet and purchased these Target botanical prints simply to add a little timeless style to the mundane apartment....

They hung over the ugly Roseanne style sofa for a while and then eventually found their way into our hall, over a dresser with buffet lamps. Once we moved into this house, they have been patiently hanging here in our hall, gathering dust, for over a decade.

And since I have 50 people coming to my house for Thanksgiving and really need to clean and cook, I decided it was time to paint some art for this space above the dresser.

Here is what I created.....

Every time I walk past this painting, I smile.  (And then I remember that 50 people will be here for Thanksgiving- and I panic.)

My next project will be to paint the dresser.  That will occur AFTER Thanksgiving (probably). I am thinking about Annie Sloan Paris Gray or Miss Mustard Seed Shutter Gray.  Both are light colors that will help brighten up this corner of my hall. I keep leaning towards pale gray, because it seems "safe."

What do you think?


it looks just beautiful. I love your new pic
I hear ya. I have some of the very same 'art' in my house that I've had for years. Can you say "home interiors" ??? I never shopped Target, probably would have been cheaper than hosting a party.
Anyway-- I love your ARTwork and I can certainly see why, it makes you smile.
Don't panic...50 people are going to see all your lovely art and wonder how you have time to do all that and have such a clean and tidy home!? :) Pat
Pretty! I think that you will see 50 more smiles when each of your guests passes by your lovely painting! Love the idea of gray for the chest, but think about all of Annie Sloan's pretty colors... You may be inspired to step away from "safe!" Happy Thanksgiving... Take a deep breath and enjoy!
Cindy saidā€¦
That is a really beautiful painting!!! And it looks lovely there with the two lamps flanking it.
LOVE your new painting...love the look of that whole area!