Some "Before and After" Projects

I love meeting people through this blog. Rhoda at Southern Hospitality recently posted the nicest article about my art and home!! I am so grateful for her generosity and kindness. Here is the article, if you are interested.

Rhoda is in the process of updating a home she recently purchased. It is fun to follow her progress. Before and After photos can be so inspiring.

The first "Before and After" I wanted to share with you is actually a large 40"x40" painting I created a few weeks ago and decided I didn't like.

So I changed it up, a bit....

I like it better, now.  It is more "me."

And is available here...

And for all you fellow house lovers out there, here are some "before and after" home projects I ran across....



Love the lime-washed brick. 

This next cute house is from Migonis Home....

(Be sure and click through, there are lots of interior "before and after" photos of that house, too.) 

And then there is KariAnne over at Thistlewood Farm. Her entire house is a constant "before and after." This is simply her pantry makeover....

That one little area is inspirational. Makes me want to clean a closet. Sort of.

And this mountain cabin makeover is also quite inspirational, as well.  Allison left the existing kitchen cabinets, updated the hardware, and painted.
Heirloom Philosophy

If you enjoy seeing the transformation of homes with 'before' photos, you might want to follow my Before and After Pinterest board

Have a great day!


Patty Sumner saidā€¦
I love all your before and after pics.. I especially love the after of your wonderful artwork...Blessings!
Katy saidā€¦
i love both versions of your painting but I love everything you do! :) ha