
I have done a thousand things this past week and cannot wait to share them with you!!  I also have a giveaway coming up!  Keep an eye on my facebook and twitter.   But, today, I have a lot of catching up to do with my work and my art.  And then I have to help my 13 year old son make a dough map of Georgia.  Third kid, third map in six years.  Then I am DONE with the Georgia Studies dough maps!   (It is a rite of passage into high school, here in our local school system.  Plus, you can't go visit Savannah with your class until you have molded dough into a three-dimensional map of Georgia.)

Anyway - as I run, I wanted to share a few random things that caught my eye.

First, this ottoman.....

House Beautiful

Love this one wall of bright wallpaper in a boy's room.  Except it isn't.  It is a stencil (see the top edge?)......

at home arkansas

Read more about this project here.

I love this trim detail.....


And if you need an inexpensive idea for decorating a kid's room (AND if you don't mind nail holes!)....

Cute idea, don't you think?  1970's yarn and nail art.  

Enjoy your day!


Lisa saidā€¦
Love the ottoman too! But, is that eyeballs on the wall? I Love all the colors in the room though.