Even More Random

Here is a sneak peak at some of those projects I mentioned, yesterday.....

And I just listed some of my Autumn art and a couple of Santas in my Etsy store ....

YES - it is way too early to think about Christmas.  But, I noticed alot of people shop earlier than I do.  And since these Santas are holdovers from last year, I thought I would just go ahead and list them!  

Oooh - one more RANDOM thing.  My husband ran across these precious old photos of our youngest two kids....

How precious are they?  That was ten years ago.  (She doesn't wink at us, anymore - that was a phase when she was six.)  Makes me sad to see those sweet faces.  Where does the time go?

Have a great day!

joining Serenity Now


Love the paintings. Loved the photos even more!
Makes my heart go 'aw'...
maybe you should wink at her.

cute photos... Pat
Jamie Miles saidā€¦
There's that little pumpkin I love (and though a little Sam is terribly cute, he's not what I'm talking about.) I may have to get it this year. But my house is such a mess with this bedroom, it would be lost.