Painting a Day

My art always seems to be one of those things I can put on the back burner and do "later."
But, then, I run out of time.
And before I know it, "later" means a month later!

So, I have a new goal....
I am going to try to paint or draw every day for 30 days.
Here is what I created, today...

The camellias.

Don't tell my husband about my new goal.
He would like for me to try to clean or cook every day for 30 days.

In other "me, me, me" news  - some of my projects were featured on five other blogs this week....

The Prudent Pantry




How nice!  Thank you!

Oh, Yes - And you have until Friday to enter my giveaway.

joining Wow us Wednesdays


Lisa said…
I love painting and drawing too! Just cant seem to find enough time in the day.
StagerLinda said…
Good for you! Cooking and cleaning can wait--no satisfaction in it. Love your camelia's. Keep posting your progress. You are so lucky to have such great talent. Paint, girl, paint!
My Dream Canvas said…
Such a lovely painting. I am hosting a Giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to the store HomeGoods. It would be great if you stopped by and entered. Thanks Anu