The Skirt and a Kitchen

This kitchen in Coastal Living caught my eye.  

I like the warm woods.  Quite cozy.  I also like the tile backsplash and about ten other things in the photo.

A friend of mine recently painted her kitchen with upper cabinets in white and lower cabinets in gray.  I will have the before and after photos for you, tomorrow!

Thanks for the kind comments on my daughter's new skirt!  

One of the tutorials I used is

I embellished the "pattern" a little by adding a bottom trim and I only used elastic on 90% of the waist band.  Leaving a flat area in front like this.....

I also used less fabric around the skirt so that it would not be too "little girly" with lots of flow and gathering.  My daughter wanted more of a "straight skirt" look.


Rebecca saidā€¦
I like the border...I like the patterns of fabrics...I like the colors...I like that idea of leaving a little of the waistline w/o elastic. Makes a great fit!