What a Blessing/Funny Family Story

I am now known around town as "the mom who ran over her child's foot." 


He is fine. His 12-year-old foot is quite strong - no broken bones! Nothing dislocated!  I accidentally ran over his foot on Tuesday morning as the kids were getting in the car for school.  Not all three kids - just the two left at home (you would think TWO would be a breeze!).  Somehow I thought I heard the back door close.  But I didn't.  I looked back and he said "BACK UP THE CAR" and I reversed OFF of his foot.  Which did not even hurt the next day.  Praise God!  Seriously.  Thank you, Lord.  Life can change in an instant - fortunately we only endured a small mishap that will be shared with a chuckle at family gatherings for the next 50 years.  God's graciousness and protection turned a potential tragedy into a minor mishap.

Here he is on a local news station the day BEFORE the incident - he went to the State Fair with his school on Monday....

(Is he cute, or what?  He has received a hair cut since then, btw!)

And here is a "thankful" painting I created.....


Have a wonderful weekend!  I pray that God places a protective hedge around you and your family!


Debby said…
My son fell out of the car and I ran over his leg. Long story. The door was locked but not closed all the way. He kept taking his seat belt off. The squad came.......he was okay.....just some bumps and bruises. The highway patrol was on the scene and really went after me. My husband that had happened upon the accident scene went after the patrolman and told him he would have to talk to me later. He came to the hospital just briefly. He said the people at the scene told them about our son and all I had to do was sign the report. My son was adopted and always doing something like this. He was such a handful and everyone knew he was just lucky to still be alive, hah.

Also, I had a broken foot and went to Denver to see my kids. Getting in the car at the airport my daughter ran over my good foot. Didn't hurt either.
My goodness this should have been a post on my blog.
You are still a good Mom.
Sam said…
She understates the pain and screaming I went through when my foot was under that tire!!!
Oh my... I had to chuckle because I did the same thing once when all the kids were getting into our van. Somehow I ended up driving over the edge of my oldest son's foot. No broken bones or injuries.... just a funny story to share for years to come.

PS - LOVE your church painting!!!