Rah Rah

I've been accused of being a "bad cheer mom."  Not naughty, just sorry

I won't divulge the name of the name-caller.

When there are so many other  moms who are willing to step in and be the Best Cheer Mom Ever, why should I add another duty to my plate? 

Well, another chapter in my Sorry Cheer Mom book of excuses was written this past weekend because I had to miss The Competition this past Saturday.  The one that our school hosted.  The one where I had to work because I am a Mom and because I am the Assistant Fundraising Chair. (Ooops!) 

I had important places to be...

So in order to redeem myself for missing the competition, I made these for 26 teachers....

A "thank you" note with a giant Hershey bar attached.

My daughter thought they were cute and quite "Cheer Mom"ish. 

While I was making printables on my computer, I also created a couple of printable Scripture Cards this past week for my Bible study girls .....

(They are cuter than white index cards when placed on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror!)
To download and print these cards (for free) click here .  I recommend printing on white cardstock.

My Bible study group is currently working on
Faithful, Abundant, True.  Great study, btw!  Only six weeks in length.

Enjoy your day!

Joining frugal friday.


Isabel saidā€¦
Love the cards and the candy bar!!yum:O) You are sooo creative:O) And the bible scriptures a great idea.
Betty saidā€¦
Beautiful cards! You are sooo
talented and have such a sweet, caring heart!!!

Piper saidā€¦
The cards are too cute!! Great way to "redeem" yourself! Typing of redeeming....that Bible Study was definitely a life changing time with the Lord!! We are starting One in A Million next month! I am sooo excited!
sfretwell saidā€¦
These are adorable! I love the design on the cards with the candy bar, too!