Pillows and Rosettes

I received a text from my almost-college-bound daughter earlier this week (she moves into her college dorm, next week).   She was helping a friend move into the dorms at nearby UGA.

"Mom, can you make Anna some pillows for her black futon?  Here are some photos of her room." 

I pulled out some scrap fabric and old drop cloths (with one child headed to college in a week, there is NO extra cash in this house to use for fabric, I've got textbooks to buy!!) and I sewed a few pillows. 

I hope Anna and her roomie don't think they are ugly.  But, I guess a black futon is not the most attractive thing, either. 

I found a rosette flower tutorial I liked at Sis Boom.  Very easy.  No sewing to make the flowers.  I am, however, nursing a few burned fingers from my hot glue gun.  The price you pay... 

I bought the printable bike decal download on Etsy at Olive Rue a while back.

And now you know how I spent my morning!  The good news is, it is only 10:00 am! 

Have a nice day!

Joining Frugal Friday, Funky Junk


Unknown saidā€¦
Wow, what a sweet mom to help out your daughter's friend! They are adorable and I'm sure they will brighten up many of her days away from home. I love the mix of drop cloth and bright fabrics, perfectly fun!
TSL saidā€¦
How many college kids want their parents to do anything for them besides wash clothes and send money? Says a lot about you and your family dynamic, you are so multi-talented and so sweet!
TSL saidā€¦
~ oops, forgot to add love these!
Anonymous saidā€¦
They are beautiful, and knowing that they are making a first time from home for your daughter's roommate that much more comfortable is such a gift! You rock, Trish!!

xoxo michele
I think she will love them. They are so pretty and will go perfect with her black futon.

You are such a sweet Mom.

Isabel saidā€¦
They are AWESOME!!!! Love them and i know she will:O)
Paula@SweetPea saidā€¦
They look great! Aren't you a nice mom to help out??
Bunny Jean saidā€¦
Those pillows will be a bright addition to her room and should look great on the futon, as if they will ever stay there....

Have a great weekend!

xoxo Bunny Jean
Bunny Jean's Decor and More! (my main blog)

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Oh what a great momma you are!! We find the way, don't we, to do whatever we can for our kiddos. I LOVE those rosettes! They are beautiful along with the pillows. I'm sure your daughter was so proud to tell her friend that "Oh my mother will create something for your futon too!"

You are a cool momma Trish!

ā™„Lee Ann
Jamie Miles saidā€¦
Hey -- If I send you a text and picture will you make some pillows for me?
Unknown saidā€¦
Found you from FJI Saturday Nite Special. These pillows are gorgeous!! I just posted up some pillows I did, but now am rethinking them. I HAVE to add these cute flowers!!!
Casa De Luna saidā€¦
I might have to give these a try. Thanks for sharing!
Love the rosettes, I hear you about the hot glue :(
Enjoy your week!