Busier than a Bee

I am beyond busy. 
My daughter is graduating from High School this week - plus we are having a party and lots of family will be visiting.
So, naturally, I decided last week that a few things needed to be done around the house. 

You know the type of ...

are you crazy lady?
"we only have two weeks - not a year"
Rome wasn't built in a day
are you kidding me?...

TO-DO-LIST I created....

On the positive side -
I will have LOTS of projects to share with you over the next week or two!
(Once I find time to sit down and blog!)

Here is a sneak peak at some of my projects...

Ta-da!  I will hopefully share more with you very, very soon!



Rebecca saidā€¦
Oh dear! I should have just copied your entire post as my own! (Except that I need to get away from the computer and compose my own list....)

Can't wait to see your more of your projects.

Have an exciting, joy-filled, jam-packed week! And take some time to smell the roses :)
Your list made me tired!!!

Enjoy your time with family

janet xox
We're living parallel lives! My daughter graduates Friday, and I'm thinking that I should steam clean all the carpet and upholstery, among about a billion other things.

I think I'll throw my list away. Have a great week, and congrats to your daughter!
Sjn saidā€¦
you are quite ambitious my dear! I tend to be too, so good for you, and best of luck with everything. Projects done or not, celebrate this weekend, and enjoy the special occasion. Congrats!
Low Tide High Style saidā€¦
Congratulations to your daughter! I hope you are able to cross off everything on your list...so long as it doesn't kill ya! ;-)

Kat :)
Mary Ann Pickett saidā€¦
Such an ambitious list. Bravo to you for helping to boost the economy. Congrats to your daughter. My son is graduating too...now I feel like a slacker.
Isabel saidā€¦
Congrats!!! And cannot wait to see the finshed projects:O) Have a great weekend:O)
Jamie saidā€¦
It was wonderful Trish. John and I decided we're going to come over to your screened porch for coffee every morning. It was perfect and Emily was beautiful. You were such the trooper carrying on without missing a beat after having the power go out the night before. You did great mom.
Wow, what a list! You are so talented to be able to sew up curtains and pillow shams and an artist too! My goodness girl, you are blessed.

Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation from high school.

Lee Ann