Succulents in a Bowl - A Quick How To

A few weeks ago I began the quest for a bowl large enough and deep enough for succulents.   I really wanted to use a footed bowl. 

A large one. 

I finally found these bowls at TJMaxx....

 They are regular bowls.  They are not designed for plants.  Do you see the cute birds on the side of the footed bowl?

I bought this plant at a farmer's market in Fernandina Beach in July for a mere $5. 

It has been THRIVING in it's ugly, cheap, green plastic pot with it's hideous wire hanger at my window for over a month. 

Definitely time to re-pot.

By the way, I also found a Jade plant for $4 at Lowe's, this week.  Check out your Lowe's "sale" section!

Tip #1 - Succulents need well-aerated soil.  They store moisture in their cute little leaves (like a camel stores water in it's hump), so they really prefer very little water and a fairly dry climate (like a camel).  (I miss my kids being small.)  And since my bowls do not have holes in the bottom, I used gravel and rocks in the bottom of the bowls....

I also used a mixture of potting soil and vermiculite (equal parts of each).  I forgot to take a picture - but that may have bored you, anyway. 

Since both plants appeared to have been in their pots awhile, and were obviously thriving, I also tried to use as much of the original soil as I could. 

I noticed that the succulent plants for sale on Ebay are often shipped "bare root," so I was not afraid to re-pot the two plants.

Here is how my Jade looks, now.....

How cool it that?

And here is my original Farmer's Market succulent - a sedum of some sort (I think)....

Tip #2 - Succulents will die if their roots stay too wet, so do not overwater them!!

and Tip #3 - They require lots of sun.  Direct sun in the Deep South will kill them (just ask my Mom who bought a matching plant at the Farmer's Market on the same day) - but a bright window is perfect.

Have a great day!


Sjn saidā€¦
Thanks for the tut! I love the bird bowl you found. At this point in time, I have not one live plant inside my house. I killed the last one off in the spring ;-)
Your planters turned out beautifully. Good job!
Red Door Home saidā€¦
Your plants looks great. I have been seeing succulants in various containers lately and love how they look.
trish saidā€¦
Oh how gorgeous! :o)
I especially like the footed bowl with the birds. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia
Farmgirl Paints saidā€¦
Love your bowls. Those poor little plants wouldn't stand a chance at my house. I'm notorious for overwatering indoor plants and underwatering outdoor!!;)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Cute idea. I love succulents.
Love your containers and your happily growing plants.

Love the footed bird bowl and love Fernandina Beach where you bought the plants.
That footed bowl is adorable! This is such a great idea. They look beautiful!
courteneykay saidā€¦
cute idea! I have been wanting to do something with succulents lately!
Unknown saidā€¦
Those are too cute! Love the repurposed 'pots'. Visiting from Tools are for Women Too.
Thank you for that little tutorial. I wish I had more confidence in growing house plants. It seems I kill them, but maybe I could keep this type of plant alive through the winter. I may have to try it.
Yvonne @ StoneGable saidā€¦
Trish, What a differnce the right planter and the loving touch of a gardener makes!!! So lovely and I love the easy and well said directions.
I love these! I have some Jade growing in my kitchen and I keep breaking off leaves and starting new one in tiny fun!

Yours look fabulous and your blog is just beautiful! :)

Atticmag saidā€¦
Love anything with birds and the jade looks super. Such a cool looking plant and grows so easily.

I adore your paintings. Hope to be a customer soon!

Please stop by, we're giving away a super Roxy girl's bedding ensemble for "Giveaway Friday"!

Jane T.
Trish, I love how these look! I have a large jade plant on my front porch, but I'd love to bring some succulents indoors too! Thanks for sharing at My Backyard Eden!