Mixed-Media Collage

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

I have not been very courageous with my art, lately.

In fact, I've pretty much stopped painting.

Thankfully, a friend asked me to paint for a fundraiser.  Just picking up those brushes again reminded me how much I enjoy CREATING.

I saw this quote on Pamela Holderman's blog a few weeks ago....

Making art is dangerous and revealing. Making art precipitates self-doubt, stirring deep waters that lay between what you know you should be, and what you fear you might be. For many people, that alone is enough to prevent their ever getting started at all - and for those who do, trouble isn't long in coming. Doubts, in fact soon rise in swarms...

I think she said this was an exerpt from Art and Fear by David Bayles and and Ted Orland.  Here is Pamela's great post about art and fear

Anyway  - I conquered a few fears and made my first ever collage piece for the fundraiser....

(at least, this is the first collage piece I can remember since Elementary School!)  I guess this is considered collage - or maybe it is "mixed-media."  hmmmm.  I should probably look that up.

All of the massively blank blue area is for the lettering/invitation information. 

Here is a close-up...

This was so much FUN!

Have a wonderful weekend.  And try to be courageous!


Mixed media it is and what a lovely job...love the colors. I am hoping to try this myself. You have inspired me.

Janet xox
Leo saidā€¦
I received my painting today and I LOVE it. It is lovely. Trying to decide where to put it in my house...where I can see it all the time.
Farmgirl Paints saidā€¦
That is super cute. I hear ya. I need an inspiration bomb to explode near me. I have the desire...just need the vision. Keep on girl!
Sjn saidā€¦
Great work! You need to be courageous more often, it's in you!
You are very talented and have been given such a wonderful gift.
I adore your art... keep it coming! :)