Five in the Makeup Bag

Cottage and Vine is hosting a linky party where you share five important items in your makeup bag.  My crucial items change from year-to-year and from season-to-season.  (Depending on my "problem areas" and the size of my wallet -which also varies from season to season.) 

Here are my crucial items this summer.........

Mac blush
Mac Select pressed powder (along with my giant applicator brush)
Burts Bees Lip Shimmer (champagne)
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
Lancome foundation of some sort - I have been "out" for a couple of months and cannot remember the type I typically use.

Also on the crucial list would be mascara  -and a hairdresser once suggested L'Oreal Voluminous Mascara (walmart) because others use or don't use tar and it is better and she liked to spend lots and lots of money on any and everything but used basic L'Oreal mascara - - so I still use that - it works for me.

Have a wonderful Monday!


I use the Burts Bees lip balm every night when I go to bed. I used the clinique moisturizer many years ago, but kept getting break outs. My go to foundation is Bare Escentuals, but she didn't make the number large enough to share everything I really must have.
RenĆ© saidā€¦
I have always loved clinique and dramatically different is a great moisturizer. Bert's Bees is always in my purse, fig. Mr. put it in my Christmas stocking one year and I have worn it ever since. How did her know?

Thanks so much for linking!!
Most important....eyelash curler! What a difference it can make. I warm mine for a few seconds with my blowdryer on low heat and then acts like a mini curling iron without the hazard of burnt skin ;-(
Your eyes will 'POP' !!

ps...I am also a Bare Minerals gal...great coverage and a sunscreen
I am loving this party! How interesting to find what others are using. I may have to try Bert's Bees! Heard of it but never used it!
Farmgirl Paints saidā€¦
love mac and burt's bees. they are always in my bag:)
southerninspiration saidā€¦
This is fun, and i am new to your blog over from Kim' lovely. I have used the L'oreal mascara for a long time, and it is a standard for me as well!

I have heard great things about that foundation, I might see if they sell samples so I can try it out! Hope you have a great day! ~Andrea
Anonymous saidā€¦
Its funny because you can only pick 5 items, but if I could pick a sixth, it woulf be the photogenic makeup from Lancome. I tried it during one of their events and a makeup artist put it on me, and it was amazing. My skin looked awesome.
Ashley saidā€¦
I have seen Lancome products on so many lists! I need to try something from them!
Cathy~Mille Fleur saidā€¦
Isn't this a fun game! I love seeing all of the goodies everyone is using!

Ginger saidā€¦
I just love MAC stuff. Their Studio Fix is my fav, fav, fav foundation. I'm gonna have to try the blush since you like it so much!