Slipcover a Real Chair ? YES, I Can!
Warning for my Mother: - remember how embarrassed you were when I shared the photo of my dining room on the "world wide web?" You may want to ignore these next photos!
A Special Plead to my Readers: Please do not judge me or my family for the condition of this chair. The rest of my furniture does NOT look like this - I promise. But this is my little-10-year-old-helper's favorite tv watching chair (since he was 2). --AND this chair sits in direct sunlight most of the day. --AND I am frugal and did not want to buy a new chair, without completely redecorating the entire den at the same time.
Warning: Don't get any closer.......
Yikes!!! What kind of people are we?
(Disgusting, I know.)
Well - I took some drop cloths from Home Depot and bleached them. I used two 12'x9' drop cloths and about 3 gallons of bleach. (Several washings). I also used rather fat cording - figuring if I am going to the trouble to place cording on every seam, then I want it to show!
I measured and cut and pinned and sewed.
And HERE is the finished product!!!!!........
We LOVE our "new" chair!!!
Lessons I learned:
(1) It is MUCH easier to tackle a project when the fabric you are cutting is inexpensive. So what if you mess up on two $9.00 drop cloths? Go buy one more and you will have a whopping $30 in the project (plus another $3 for the extra bleach). Certainly costs a LOT less than a new chair (plus a second matching chair, and a new sofa, and new window treatments, etc..)
(2) Canvas drop cloths are very SOFT - after two bleachings and two regular detergent washings.
(3) This project takes time (maybe 7 hours, total- with interruptions) and patience - but is not as difficult as I thought. Well worth my day!
(4) All drop cloth canvases are NOT the SAME! The two I bought at Home Depot for the chair were very thick and could withstand lots of bleach. The drop cloth I bought today at Lowe's (8 oz weight) is much thinner and only required about 1 cup of bleach (or less) to lighten. (It is a much thinner fabric.)
This post is featured at Kimba's Do-It-Yourself Day!

Please visit Metamorphosis Monday for more before and after projects!
This post is also linked to The Shades of Pink and Reinvented!
Dee Dee
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I could never judge a person by their furniture either. I have three big dogs that live on my furniture. They are worse than children!
Your chair turned out beautiful!!
spindle cottage is my home blog.
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Your chair looks awesome - thanks for sharing it with us - even your mom should be proud!!
I've got to get some of the lazy out and get the sewing machine going!
Which weight of dropcloth did you prefer working with...the lightweight or heavyweight? Thanks, Lisa