My Unique Interests.....
(1) enjoy history,
(2) love old buildings,
and (3) think rural America is the best place on earth????
Why, a blog overflowing with pictures of old rural buildings, of course!
.........then do I have the blog for you!
Found this great site where a guy named Brian Brown takes great photos of "vanishing" South Georgia.
He shares forgotten stores like this one at Lands' Crossing (the Land family owned the land near this crossroads)..........

Lands Crossing
Just love these old stores (but they make me a little sad)........

Gardi, Georgia (Wayne County)

Hinsonton (Mitchell County), Georgia
Here is an art deco building in Tifton........

And another typical site in South Georgia - local chicken joints, like this one in Glennville..............

(Chicken stands like this one are ALL over south Georgia and are delicious!!!)
Here is a greek revivial style South Georgia bank..........
Quitman, Georgia
and beautiful old South Georgia courthouses ...........
Irwin County courthouse in Ocilla
Brooks County courthouse in Quitman.

Wayne County Courthouse, Jesup, Georgia

Wilcox County courthouse in Abbeville.
Bit of Georgia history for you: Georgia has LOTS of counties and, therefore, LOTS of courthouses. - There are 159 counties in Georgia because each county seat had to be within a half-day horseback ride from every home (so the rider could get to the County seat and back in one day.) The Irwin County courthouse shown above is located in Irwin County -population 9,000! (Yes - only 9,000 people in the entire county.)
Here are some photos of 'ghost' towns.......

As a kid, my mom moved us from the beautiful mountains of east Tennessee to the flat crop-land of South Georgia. NIGHT and DAY, BLACK and WHITE.
And I am such an aesthetic person! ! !
I remember looking at row after row after boring row of pine trees in sandy soil (mind you - this sand was NOT near a beach) and thinking
"this might just be the ugliest place on earth!"
Well, I have finally grown up and now realize that God has made everything beautiful. (As in - "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31)
We just have to open our eyes in appreciation of his creation.
Please join Melissa at The Inspired Room for more "It's a Beautiful Life" posts.
All of the above beautiful photographs are by Brian Brown, Vanishing South Georgia.
I was also just in Georgia (Atlanta) last week. I love it down there.
Have a wonderful weekend!