
Wow - was Monday a great day! And why? Because Nesting Place offered one of my paintings as a giveaway, and THEN The Nester wrote very kind words about my art, and THEN over 800 people wanted to win my painting, and THEN many of them left sweet, encouraging, complimentary notes about my artwork, and THEN I got 8 new blog followers, and THEN I got a whole bunch of new hearts on my Etsy site.
I sold a few items, but HONESTLY, the encouraging and complimentary words were more exciting than the sales. Why is that?

Isn't it amazing what a few kind words can do to lift someone's spirit? To change someone's ENTIRE DAY???!!! Makes you THINK, doesn't it?

Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24

And if KIND words are that powerful (to make my whole day great and "heal the bones"), then how harmful are harsh words? I know from watching my teenage daughters deal with "mean girls," that a few choice words can ruin an entire day (if you let them).

1 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger. .........
4 The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life,
but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15:1,4

Enough about mean words and "mean girls" (you don't want to get me started!) - I am going to continue to focus on the nice words that were so sweet to my soul, yesterday!

See you, tomorrow!

(I hope each of you hears some encouraging and "sweet to the soul" words, today!)

By the way - if you are interested - here is the painting that is part of the Giveaway Day......

The Giveaways
end tonight (Tuesday), at midnight.


Molly Anne saidā€¦
I'm glad you had such a wonderful, encouraging day! When someone is touched or inspired by something you've done it is such a good feeling.
I waited for this giveaway yesterday and as soon as I saw it posted, I entered it and was like #390+-!!! Your paintings have a way of bightening a bad day! And I truely hope I win because It will be perfect in my family room!
Anna saidā€¦
AND you picked up some new blog readers! :)
Yes, Anna!!! I have 8 new readers!!! How cool! I will add that sentence in my "then, then, then" paragraph, now. -Couldn't find your email, btw.
Candace saidā€¦
I adore this post. Your enthusiasm just bleeds right through the words! Adn great scripture choices - I could use some of those painted (by you, of course) around my house!
Beautiful!!! Congrats to you and you are so right about the power of a kind word.