Nice People and Everything Etsy

One really cool thing I have noticed about the blog world --
There sure are a lot of nice people, out there! (My virtual friends.)

By the way, just exactly HOW would we explain this whole blog-friend thing to our great-great grandparents who didn't even have electricity and indoor bathrooms 100 years ago?
............. nor cars
...nor washing machines
..........nor microwaves
............nor pizza
......nor Starbucks
nor disposable diapers

Kim at Everything Etsy graciously featured another piece of my art on her site, today!

Kim finds some really great Etsy items to display on her site (as is evident, above - just kidding! just kidding! )

Check out Everything Etsy!

The Everything Etsy Blog

Thanks, Kim!


trish said…
I love your paintings! :o)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that church painting!!!