New Ruffles for my Bench
I finally pulled out the beautiful off-white fabric I bought a couple of years ago to slipcover my dining room chairs.
BUT, I decided to cover a bench that sits in my main room, instead. (Smaller projects get done a lot faster, don't they??!!)
Here is my "before" of my cute craftsman/mission style bench that I bought at a flea market about 13 years ago.
BUT, I decided to cover a bench that sits in my main room, instead. (Smaller projects get done a lot faster, don't they??!!)
Here is my "before" of my cute craftsman/mission style bench that I bought at a flea market about 13 years ago.
I have recovered the cushion a few times.
Here is my after! ...................
(the pillow is just for photo purposes - I am planning to make a longer lumbar pillow to give the bench some COLOR!)
I measured
and cut
and ironed
and pinned
and sewed
and stapled
and unstapled
and re-stapled.........
.......... while my daughter used my watercolors to paint a literature project for school (which starts NEXT week -Wow) and my son watched way too much television (yikes!).
Happy day.
I almost forgot to mention: My very helpful 10-year-old-helper removed all of the old layers of fabric from the seat cushion during a commercial break.
I am participating in.........
