It is all about Location

We need........
1. two new HVAC units (including duct work);
2. sod, plus an irrigation system to keep the sod alive;
3. a garage, OR a basement, OR an attic (I'll take any of the three - just give me some storage space!);
4. new cabinets in the 1970's kitchen (the thin plywood has long-since served its purpose);
5. another bedroom for the kids who have been so cooperative;
6. another bathroom for the kids who have certainly grown, alot;
7. to replace some boards and coat the entire exterior in new paint;
8. to build a "hang-out" area for the kids so that WE can have some space to ourselves;
9. a new sidewalk and driveway to keep shoes clean as they come in the door;
10. ..........(and a myriad of other "typical" problems with a 150 year old house).
But, WOW, do we have a nice place to take a walk.

Okay, okay - I'll stop the whining.
I have to take at least one walk a day to remind myself to stop
worrying about the money pouring out through the cracks and the windows.
The boards will get replaced and the house WILL get painted,
one day.....
maybe after a few more walks.
For more info on Madison Georgia's historic district:
And this article from March 2009, Southern Living.


Tiffany saidā€¦
You certainly do have a beautiful place to walk!

Thanks for stopping by.
Terry saidā€¦
Today now houses like this would be mansions built on huge lots in gated developments where we couldn't see them.

Regarding your pictures in particular, you don't have to climb to get to the front door. I'm tired of climbing stairs and or houses that intimidate.
Pam saidā€¦
I love these photos... particularly the spire of a church peeking out in the background. Spring looks gorgeous where you are! It's still freezing here in MI...
Very pretty. I love old homes. They have such character!
Warm Spring blessing to you, Marsha
Martha saidā€¦
Love old homes -- you live in a very pretty neighborhood.
ooooh, that is a pretty walk. Thanks for taking us along!
P. saidā€¦
Such a beautiful place.

Light and Voices saidā€¦
You are very fortunate to live in an area filled with such beautiful older homes. Breath in that Spring air and enjoy your blessings!
Barb saidā€¦
Such beautiful pictures!! Thanks for sharing with us.

Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

Mandy saidā€¦
How beautiful! Reminds me of my old hometown - I actually had to look and see where you are located it looks so much like it!

Valerie saidā€¦
Thank you for sharing your lovely neighborhood! Hoping spring will hurry up and arrive where we live.

Blessings to you from Kansas,
Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday...Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
abeachcottage saidā€¦
beautiful! took my breath away
