Puppies, Art, Skunks, and a Houzz App
I have been super- busy this week. I have been.....
1. Enjoying a new puppy who likes to chew and is not housebroken,
2. Preparing for an art show this coming weekend,
3. Trying to find a nuisance wildlife trapper to get rid of the skunk from beneath our home. I sincerely hope our 'skunk' is singular.
It has been that kind of week.
Fun, but frantic.
The good news....
1. The puppy is precious.
2. I have painted several new pieces of art that I really like.
3. The skunk has not sprayed underneath our house since Tuesday at 3:30 am.
4. My family is healthy.
5. I found a new app for my iphone - Houzz (now I can look at Houzz AND Pinterest while I wait on the little pup to do her business in the backyard!)
Found this on the Houzz site...
Kat :)
I just discovered your blog and now I am going to have to purchase one of your paintings!!! Love them all. I am also going to Joanns today to get scrapbook paper and do my kitchen cabinets. Great job. Love your new puppy.
We just got a new puppy one week ago and boy is she cute but NOT house trained. Whew, alot of going in and out and cleaning up messes:)
happy day
xoxo hanz