There is No Way I Will Ever..............

Another thing I said I would never do.
Now doing it.
Do you think I am crazy?

Now I am off to find a few more hours in my day. (Ha!!)
Organization is my problem. If I were better organized, I would have more time!
Here is my plan for today (yes, I know it is noon)...
I am setting my timer for 30 minutes and working on a room in my house.
This is a Fly-Lady tip that works great for me -because I tend to ..ahem.. lose focus.
That presents another problem - WHICH ROOM?

*Terrific Start to my day*
I had an early morning treat, today!!
Layla at The Lettered Cottage featured my art!
I am thrilled! What a sweet surprise!
Here is the link....

Hope you have a wonderful day with lots of unexpected, new-found time and a sweet surprise or two!


Sjn said…
I need to set a timer in the morning, I end up on the computer for waaaay too long. First email, then blog, then FB. No twitter for me, I quit it. Didn't see the need, and all there strangers were following me.
Great you sold 5 paintings at the art show last week. We were there!
Of course you are crazy....isn't that why we are all here?????
Congrats Trish, you more than deserve it! And I'll be following you on twitter!

Kat :)
Blayne Macauley said…
Good luck on the new method! I would love to know if it works. I have the same problem, and blogging just sucks away my time!
LOVE your art Trish!

Ginger said…
Congratulations on your art feature!
LOVE Flylady; totally works for me!
Farmgirl Paints said…
Oh that is so awesome!!! Congrats:)

I have a twitter acct, but I never tweet. I get people signing up to follow me all the time. Poor things have no idea I'm a dead beat twitter person. Hope it works out better for you than me;)
Anonymous said…
Discovered your blog today via The Lettered Cottage. Love it and your paintings. I will be following you.

Thank you for following me at A Fine Romance! :) I found your artwork through Layla's blog and I fell in love! As soon as I pick the perfect place to display it, I am going to be ordering a piece. As soon as I saw your work, I said...ooooooooh, I have to have that! You're so talented! Love it all! :) I'm a new follower!

Jennifer XO