Vintage Sunday School Posters

I found these precious 1940's Sunday School posters at River Market Antique Mall in downtown Kansas City a couple of years ago. They were published by "Providence Lithograph" and were used each week with the Sunday School lesson.

I thought my kids would probably learn moral, Biblical lessons with them hanging on our wall. (HA!) -I was certain the kids would read them, daily, rather than just scoot past them on their way to the holy television set.

Here are the pictures I chose...........

(I regret not taking the pictures before they were behind the glass, so just bear with the fuzzy photos.)

Each One Helps -"Thou hast put gladness in my heart." Psalm 4:7 (dated 1950)

Helping Grandmother - "Learn to do well" Isaiah 1:17 (Illustrated by Katharine Wireman , dated September, 1949)

Helpers at Home -"Our God we Thank Thee" 1 Chronicles 29:13 (illustrated by Charlotte Ware)

In Everything Give Thanks (Illustrated by Kay Draper)

I framed each of them in matching frames and hung them on the same wall. I had mats cut at Hobby Lobby for each one. The prints measured 12"x17" and the outside of the frames measure 16"x20".

Today, I googled "Providence Lithograph" and found some more for $4.95 at !!

This one is $14 at

Something about the simple moral scenes and the polished, cheerful faces just takes you back to a simpler time, don't you think?

Participating in Hooked on Houses blog party.


Stephanie said…
Love the prints! So cute. Those would look great in my guest bedroom. Hmm? Thanks for sharing. I might have to jump over to etsy to find my own.
They look so good framed! And I love the yellow of your walls. Thanks for featuring our shop :)
Pearl Maple said…
How very lucky you are to have these darling images on display to remind us every day about doing the right thing. Thanks for sharing.
Very sweet!! I like how you framed them. :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)
Kammy said…
Very sweet ! Looks great on your yellow wall !
Hugs ~ KaMMY
Katie said…
How very sweet!! Love their vintage charm!
Those pics are outstandingly adorable! And look so pretty right where they are.

E said…
Those look so great where you put them.

Feel free to check out my blog, it's brand new and still in the making...But, the link is
Morning Trish..found through Aprons and More's blog. Love the 'feel' of your blog and will be following. I checked out your Etsy shop and it made me smile ;-) Please stop by my blog and say hello when you get a spare moment.
Oh, I love these! They look great.

When I was in York, England with my husband's grandmother, we went to an antique fair and bought some charming antique pages of a children's book that had been disassembled. We had the pages framed and they now hang in my daughter's room. They have that charming, innocent, old fashioned quality of a time long gone...just like these do.
Anonymous said…
These are so lovely!! I'm glad you didn't pass them by!
Kristi said…
Yes, they really do. What a treasure!
Sjn said…
I love those and they look great on your yellow wall. Thx for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Those are beautiful! You did a great job putting them on the wall and I think the osmosis affect will take just fine! Your home is just lovely.
stephanie h said…
So sweet! Love them!
Anonymous said…
Love what you did with the prints. The black frames goes well with the yellow wall.
Melissa said…
Those posters are so darling. When I was little we had a couple of Christan records teaching us morals and I still recall each of the stories we listened too. Wonderful.
edie said…
They notice more than you think! They're beautiful!
I just moved from the KC area last Oct and know exactly where the River Market is.

This is my first visit to your blog. Come for a visit to my blog and I have a give-a-way going on.

Its So Very Cheri
I love those prints! They pre-date my Sunday School years by a bit, but like most churches, ours kept posters and books for DECADES, so i remember pictures just like these. They are lovely -- charming and sweet. Thanks!
TSL said…
Love those prints, they take me back to Wonder Years! So Trish, I was unable to stop by your home or phone yesterday as traffic backed up on the interstate and we arrived late to our function! On the way out of town I tried to locate you via the "ivy wall" from your post, but missed it! Will be back by end of Aug and hopefully will catch you then. Again, loved the prints, so sweet!
Pat said…
I just found your blog...I don't know how, but I'm glad I did, it's lovely!
I love the prints,such simple pure life, something worth remembering.
Your home is so charming, I'll be back!